Monday, February 21, 2011

Christopher Nolan Deserved Best Director Nomination For Inception

I absolutely LOVED Inception. So it really pains me to see that as the Oscars are coming up soon that Christopher Nolan was not nominated for Best Director for that movie. The vision of that movie was immense and no one else other than him could have done it.

This movie was totally up my alley. I watch all kinds of movies and don't stick to a particular genre, but Inception was my favorite type of movie. I like movies that take you to another world. This probably stems from my love of video games, being able to escape to another imaginative world other than my own is extremely appealing to me.

The way I feel about these movies is also why it hurts to see them under appreciated when it comes time for Oscars. You see many times people win Oscars for normal roles and nothing imaginative. Fantasy worlds don't tend to be as well received as the realistic movies you see all over the place.

For the 2.5 hrs I was watching Inception I was completely enthralled in the story. I didn't want the movie to end and was very sad when it did. Not many movies make me feel that way. This kind of unique imaginative work is what makes Nolan so great at what he does. Memento was equally inventive and mesmerizing. Nolan didn't win a best director Oscar for that movie either.

Inception had a little bit of everything which is what made it so great. The action was great but it wasn't the only thing the movie had going for it. The story itself was very emotional. You had plenty of suspense and humor as well. It's rare to find a movie that hits on all these things at once. Most of the time a movie gets one or two things done well and ignores the rest. A movie that has it all is truly rare.

If you have yet to watch either Memento or Inception then you definitely owe it to yourself to watch them as soon as you can. While it is nominated for Best Picture, I highly doubt there is any chance of it winning. Which is truly a shame because a movie that visually stunning should get more consideration.

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